just a few screens dotted here and there.
The Birds...well there wasn't that much
really although thinking of it I probably
should have visited in the winter time.
As I say there was very little to see apart
from the normal odd Grey Heron here and
there and a few little Egrets. Ducks were
pretty sparse too with only the normal
Mallards around.
The pathway that runs along the side of
the reserve is fairly long with only a few
screens here and there to view from.
Those of you thinking about photographic
opportunities will need a fairly big lens to
get anything like a decent shot.
All that said there are pools but you have
to contend with the masses of reeds that
fence the reserve off although I think there
maybe good opportunities here.
The pathway leads to an open field that
leads on to the estuary. It was the main
estuary that proved to the best albeit the
majority of the birds were distant.
Avocets, Redshank and Curlew could all
be seen and an unexpected Red Breasted
Merganser flew past disturbed by a speed
boat, a new tick for me.
Further along the estuary a flock of twenty
or so Dark Bellied Brent Geese were found
it was these I concentrated my efforts on
occasionally the speed boat would come
flying down the estuary, not so good for
the geese but ideal for a few flight shots.

Apart from the geese the only other bird to
mention was a Rock Pipit that seem to be
following me along the estuary path.