so I thought I'd put a few holiday snaps up from my
trip to Norfolk in June.
I've not really had chance to do much over the last
few weeks due to a recent job change.
So here goes!...A local Meadow pipit..quite a few of these
around close to where I stayed, this was the best I could

A trip to Cley produced a close view of a very confiding

Marsh Harriers were busy hunting, many time's seen
carrying prey into the nest's...quite a few were
ducklings...It's a cruel world.

While we were around Cley we paid a visit to Blakeney
While we were there we took a Seal trip, well worth it
too. Although there weren't alot of Seals around at the time
of our visit the landing on Blakeney was great.
Close views of Oystercatchers (lot's) good views of
Little Terns and Sandwich Terns both first's for me.

All in all a good holiday with plenty seen
nothing really special but a few new species
added to the ever growing list...roll on the next one!