haven't been there for a while. I paid a visit first though
to Morton Bagot for the Shrike but no joy.
Upton Warren proved a little difficult, well at the
start anyway. It did get progressively better as time
went on with the first Avocet of the season dropping
in at the Flashes. It wasn't long before it was disturbed
by the Warden (snipe count had to be done meaning going
around the inside of the reserve and flushing them (a quick
count Jack Snipe 3 Common Snipe 10 not bad at all).
Obviously this disturbed things for a little while and
I made for the feeding station to see what was going
on there.
I spent the next couple of hours snapping away at what
ever come to the feeders, mostly Tit's although the Reed
Bunting's made a few brief visit's, making it worthwhile.

Next was the Moor's pool. The Avocet had moved
to here from the Flashes after it had been disturbed.
I spent a little time in each of the hides but ended up
spending most of my time at the feeding station (as you do)
and the only decent bird around there really was a female
Sparrowhawk that was creating havoc every now and then.
I got talking to a guy called Mike who very kindly let me
know that while we were snapping away a Trio of Golden
Plover had dropped in on the Flashes, with little happening
at the feeders I made the descision to spend my last hour at
the Flashes and try for a few shot's of the Golden Plover.
Disaster...By the time I had reached the hide the one remaining
Plover had legged it, well almost. I managed a brief look at it's tail
end as it flew over into the orchard behind the pool, marvelous just
about summed my day up. I thought sod it. I'm here now, so I
settled down and grabbed a few shots of the remaining Lapwings.

I'm glad I did because by the time I had got a few shot's
the majority of the birds that flew to the Orchard previously
(with the GP) had been spooked, and they were heading
back my way.
The Golden plover was right in front as well...Lovely, and
that was that, as they say.
A few shots in the evening light was my reward
(mainly distant but still nice)